Our symbol is actually two empowering designs combined. In reality they are more the same in spirit, like US as humans, more alike than different! Together the two create one unique to US, symbol!
Separately they have for the ages individually represented significant meanings. In their melding or combining of them it is all the more empowering for any of US. We will speak first of their meaning singularly that many may already be familiar with. The combining allows for some self conclusions also…
Circle is the symbol for infinity, because the circle is endless, and may be considered a polygon with an infinite number of sides. The circle symbol meaning is universal, sacred and divine. It represents the infinite nature of energy, and the inclusivity of the universe. The circle includes us in the grand scheme. In fact, when a symbol, (any symbol) is shown with a circle around it – that’s our intuitive cue; the symbol beckons the viewer to be drawn in, and included in the experience of whatever symbolic message the center may hold.
Some circle meaning keywords to contemplate as are associated with US:
- Inclusion – Wholeness – Focus – Unity – Nurturing -Cycles
- Everything – Perfection – Womb – Centering – Revolution
- Mobility – Completion – Initiation – Infinity
The “Circle of Life” refers to the fact that death is not really the end but the seed of some other life. Albert Einstein indirectly spoke of it when he said that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it merely changes form. Without beginning and without end!
Infinity is a concept in many fields, most predominantly mathematics and physics, that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. The word comes from the Latin infinitas or “unboundedness”. The figure is of time looping back over endlessly over itself. It has been seen as two circles, female and male, lunar and solar, conjoined and equal. As a symbol of the sacred marriage and sexual union the symbol embodies the spark of bliss and pleasure that is the creation itself as well as the eternal “now” of “The Infinity.” Without beginning and without end!
The U.S. symbol is an extraordinary amplification of both when combined to create one. It’s visual portrayal is a spirit of all encompassing and protection within the circle. It reminds US that as long as we are inside and embrace the unboundedness of without beginning and without end, we will allow ourselves to exude peace and be empowered to share this gift with others unconditionally. It should be noted that each symbol is powerful and symbolic, singularly. When the two are combined it powerfully reminds US of who we are, our new song and most importantly, where we desire to be traveling. Lastly it implies that we desire to leave a unending legacy of our own, that others of generations to follow, can embrace and recognize! May others know that our journey had a purpose! It further serves to increasingly empower US beyond what most have ever envisioned in the realm of mere symbolic significance.

U.S. symbol
The “Vision for US” stone you may receive with our symbol rendition has a special significance in that it represents our symbol in a natural and ceremonial way. It was more importantly received from the planet by one of US, who has received all the notes, rewritten their song for life, and gifted you with it. This gift of a “Vision for US” stone is an invitation to embrace the opportunity of Perpetual Peace, to begin the path to collect the notes. Afterwards you can breath your new song and vision for your life into the stone.
This will in turn record your song, intentions and vision forever within it and only upon crossing shall it be ever be carried by another… Your gift to others of US is to ask to receive from the planet “Vision for US” stones for others. This only happens after requesting in meditation and after your in fact have received the notes and recorded your new song or vision in your own stone!
In essence; when any one of US remains in the circles they will continue to receive Perpetual Peace infinity… with unending human harmony. Additionally by physically possessing this symbol, in its most basic form, it is a symbol to US of Perpetual Peace and a constant reminder, it is our choice and a possessed Gift!