We of US know, when we know, that we know. No more questioning, It is time! Most of US have spent years of our lives merely doing, doing, doing and when we thought we had done enough… we went ahead and did more seeking the proverbial next external reward. These rewards fortunately and unfortunately did encompass both seeming healthy and sometimes extraordinarily unhealthy consequences.

We lived to do, and ultimately kept doing, just to live. We did this over and over only to learn we mostly satisfied other people, places and objects when our own peace was limited, compromised or non-existent. Very simply, we are people whose life thus far has been in many parts lived unconsciously with varied bouts of unexplainable confusion. We additionally are people have attained a level of peace already and are seeking to travel and guide others to the next dimension and beyond!

We have by default been guided by instructions other than those of our own choosing. Mostly the instructions we’ve applied have been a blurred set of survival skills without much depth in living skills. These skills were rarely coupled with any type of grounding or peace.

We are people who mostly never questioned, investigated, or learned how to fully operate or empower our own mind, body & souls. Many of US possess superior IQ’s. Many of US had a 2 speeds, max or sleep!

Most of US believed if we had the right job, the right car, the right house, the right partner and were in control of it all, all would be fine. Of course when obtained, many of us were still empty and further concluded it was, a better car, a bigger house, a new job, a new partner, more money that was needed and surely that would fix it this time. Some may have felt if we just were the perfect partner all would be managed for us and all we had to do was purchase, organize, replace, smile, and take care of and the world would smile back at US?

This past path never ends unless a psychic change is allowed to occur. It has been discovered that this existence is a self induced case of progressive invisible soul hole.

We will never have everything we want until we want everything we have… tf