You NOW have permission to


Posted on March 17, 2011 by WR

If you have arrived here, it is not by accident, it is by design…

You are ready!     Relax, enjoy the next greatest ride!

Welcome, we’ve been expecting you. You will receive an awesome blessing as the result of your travels beyond. This is the place you have been unconsciously seeking. If this is not the case, think on this, if you knew this existed, you would have already gone beyond.

Relax… We did NOT say AWAY… We said… BEYOND – Big , BIG difference!

Beyond the rooms invites all people who seek… the next greater dimension for their journey. This is a launching place to accommodate and guide you to live beyond the rooms. A special introduction to attain a level of personal peace & living scarcely or rarely attainable by existing ONLY in the rooms.

This is not to say we don’t all owe a round of gratitude for being in the rooms… this is an opportunity to touch and feel the reality that the rest of the world already knows!

Hold on, here it goes…  Pay attention to the next paragraph, it could enhance your life!

The vast majority of the people who have ever stepped foot in the rooms of any of the “A’s”, go beyond the rooms to grow and live successful, happy, healthy, exciting human lives. This is in many cases after only a few months, in the rooms, if that. Many never even stay regularly beyond a few months. They understand the bigger truth of the universe and embrace healthy relations and healthy living more rapidly. Not judging… just reality!

More people go beyond and “get more of it”… then stay just in the rooms!

We in the rooms think differently because unintentionally we get stuck in the rooms. Furthermore, we are the only ones running around the globe screaming, “Stay in the rooms or die”, to each other. This is a totally fabricated myth!

Trust the universal truth, what happens in the rooms is a mere speck of the successes compared to living beyond the rooms and savoring the big picture offered to humans!

Speaking of those who do grow beyond; if and when they do come back to visit, socialize, and to show their gratitude; unfortunately many people question them and make their return visit a less than comfortable experience. Sad but true, most beyond seekers just stop even visiting the rooms anymore because of this disdain or attitude .

The rooms unintentionally foster new fears after prolonged exposure without other outside influences or inclusions. Lets for argument sake agree and say, this is a disease.

What person with a disease goes around verbally affirming they are a diseased human being and have any real chance at full healing. Imagine you go to a cancer survivors meeting. “Hello my name is John or Mary and I am a cancer”! Sounds crazy right, listen to yourself one day.

What healing process would discourage people from growing beyond and learning from all sources of human empowerment available? Who would deny any child the best of the best?

The oldest healing wisdom’s of our planet would never endorse this repetitively unhealthy and condescending self talk. For our own well being and reality, we should never either!

That which is popular is not always right, and that which is right is not always popular!

We don’t care if you believe you will be an “A” forever, that’s a personal choice, but enough is enough! It is not a badge of honor and trust us, any newcomer knows by the name of the “A” what the deal is.

Allow yourself, please fellow humans, speak healthy to your souls! This much more freeing and expansive truth has been around for thousands of years! The A’s, as you know them, a mere 75 or so years, allow ourselves to wake up, 100%, already!

We are not saying people don’t get better than they were. We are saying most people never reach their full health and growth potential unless they allow themselves to grow beyond the rooms! Do you want to just get a little better or learn to live the best you possibly can… the point exactly!

Possibly you, like many of us, remember being told by others, “we’re on a roller coaster”, and that may be correct in many ways. We just may have been. Yes and it sometimes has been fun. It’s been both entertaining and educating, but, be truthful, isn’t riding on the same coaster becoming old, stagnant and stale? Look around at others…

How would you and all those in your world like to begin enjoying a little universal unlimited life travel from here on out? So be it, just allow yourself to go beyond the rooms, you have a choice and it definitely is in your best interest.

Many of us rode the ride to the end or even off the track.

Let us reflect to discover your true credentials. Have you safely prepared for lift off to the beyond dimension? Are you really conscious of where you have been and where you are capable of going today?

You know how this works,  first we go back so we can proceed forward.

Some 76 years ago a Stock broker and a Doctor got together and heard from REV. Shoemaker some ideas. They then generated a so called spiritual not religious, magic. (question; how can it not be religious when the “A”s 12 steps are taken right out of the book of James in the Bible) BTW, AA is a just another religion and if you don’t believe it, PLEASE do some homework, YOU DESERVE TO KNOW!


 Click on this link to learn the TRUTH about the 12 step religion

Shortly after wards, some 18 years later, a roofer appears in the rooms. He proceeds to join in and tastes this magic, provided by the boys. This magic was being freely dispersed to anyone who led destructive lifestyles by getting loaded. The members had this thing… or by now commonly called, this disease? (Bill W. told Jimmy K. he could use the steps & trdaditions and NA was born again, 1953)

Yes, they have titled it a disease like Polio, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes or cancer? By the way, one of these can be cured by diet, sound familiar or sound anything like the so called dis-ease you may have?

We are not saying getting loaded does not damage chromosomes and eventually get passed on genetically through generations at least the physical predisposition. But… this sounds more in fact like a self induced disease as opposed to a natural malady.

We know people in the rooms cringe when they hear the word CURE. Most act like its a disease in and of itself! They even proclaim it’s a disease that tells you you don’t have it? Come on, you don’t believe in the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa clause too, do you?

One must admit the old broker was one hell of a salesman. Pay attention to this; the broker actually accomplished by the wording in the 12th step a subliminal way to make you feel like you weren’t ever going to make it or you weren’t working “the program” if you ever thought about, talked about or ever went beyond the rooms! It was a brilliant member retention concept.

Are we collectively purporting a contrived myth or are you unknowingly stuck in the rooms?

By the way, cassette tapes, calculators and the rotary telephone were all great ideas. Imagine if we were still only using these inventions, or they had not evolved!

Sadly there are those of us who think humans are different and we don’t evolve. What are they living under a rock?

Back to the roofer, after only 3 short years on the path in the rooms with Bill & Bob, he decided the way & style the Dr and the Broker were providing this new found magic was too limited & the magic needed to be tweeked or done different. (hint: again his name was Jimmy K)

Or maybe it was just the natural time to travel BEYOND the current rooms…

Maybe true, maybe not, but the doors became open to many narcotic users who felt previously like they were outsiders even in the rooms. Today there are more than 30 plus “A’s” ready to regularly reinforce your illness with you in the rooms on a daily basis!

These similar but very different “A”‘s collectively have touched many lives of people who felt society as a whole had given up on them. For the first time it had happened, many of these people found a sense of belonging & acceptance, in the rooms! The two styles of A’s became popular. Now many new “A” groups plant their seeds in society across the globe.

Although treatment as we call it today, those substance specific centers started popping up in the early 50’s, the magic that these boys had discovered was still the talk of the town. Hect, we now even hear about it on Dr. Phil and Hill Street Blues, major motion pictures too.

In fact in the late 70’s, early 80’s when treatment centers became a huge growth industry, many (entrepreneurs & business men) discovered there’s was a new type of gold in town. Many of them invited the boys, and girls too, to come in and spread their magic through out their treatment centers with new plush rooms! These business men were not dumb, they saw the writing in the rooms and the cash cow for what it is!

They knew there was a high percentage of the attendees who would go back to their destructive ways and when they got tired, they had a familiar place to recuperate and all their new friends will be coming by for the meeting to celebrate their return!

Quite a brilliant business model when you really review it.

You ever notice you stay away from fast food because your working on healthy, and then “Bam!”, one day you succumb and for the next 3 or 4 days, there you are…

Funny how that works. By the way, we have no scientific evidence of this fast food idea! We’re not judging, we’re just saying!

That leads us to the true human conclusion on a much bigger platform!

Here we are a planet of billions, with nations of hundreds of millions and in 2012, what has really worked the most, for the most? Are the majority of humans who ever got high or drank to excess doomed because they have no rooms? Is anyone paying attention?

The treatment centers and the A’s tell you how great they are with these high success rates. The most common is 5% still clean or sober after 5 years.

Are they all promoting themselves and incestuously cross pollinating each other from within? All the while, their end game keeps people thinking they’re growing but in reality just reinforcing their illness to keep the cash machine oiled?

Reinforcing the illness concept so will they stay in the rooms and when the rooms fail them they’ll do Hospitals & Institutions. Isn’t this just another one of the fear based hamster wheels?

Keep in mind we are not referring just to the people who induced themselves with mind altering chemicals to change their states. We include all peoples who choose perceived pleasure over the known pain of any self defeating, inappropriate, uncomfortable, self destructive, or limiting behaviors. They have a 12 step group for just about every expression of being afraid!

Again…”If your green your growing and when your ripe you die”, How many ripe “A’s” in the rooms do you know!

Yes continually growing IS the key! Sadly many people in the rooms live and blindly support the, “Gold-Fish in the Bowl” on the coffee table… syndrome. Oldtimers even go to great lengths to scare all comers into living only in the one gallon rooms suggesting, if they don’t do it this way, they don’t belong or worse will never make it in life!

If this concept confuses you, think about this…

You purchase a single gold fish, you put it in a bowl, everyone comes by and comments how beautiful the goldfish, in the one gallon bowl on the coffee table, looks! Six months, a year, two years, five years, ten years later and beyond… Yes the goldfish, can and many times, continues to live there just fine!

There is one huge glitch in this way of life for humans though. The goldfish reached a maximum growth in the one gallon fish bowl in the first 90 days. Worse than that is the knowing that because of the mere one gallon room he stays in, the goldfish cannot grow to their full potential!

Yes of course it stays alive and people who see it always exclaim, WOW the goldfish is doing great, it hasn’t changed one bit… since I saw it there years ago.

Others continually comfort you and say, I see your still HERE… sadly living only in the one gallon rooms? Sound familiar!

Humans cannot stay in a stunted growth status, we are not Goldfish… sorry Charlie!

By the way, this scenario of growth is even stunted more when you put another goldfish to live in the same one gallon rooms together.

Example; when one “A” begins a relationship and then moves in with another “A” and they only attend this or that “A”, this really creates Limited human growth Syndrome!

There is a bright side to this scenario. It’s basically not rocket science and is really pretty simple. Start living in a bigger fish tank and swim with all types of fish, not just goldfish who got loaded!

Not only will all goldfish grow larger, but now swimming in the big ocean, all fish types are allowed to grow stronger on the inside and outside both. It is Natural healthy human growth Syndrome because we are receiving a new expanse of evidence from all types of fish now. All fish together can really embrace the meaning of life out in the real world.

This time I know it will be different or If nothing changes nothing changes!

The common rhetoric through out the rooms is insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. Yet this is EXACTLY what people wind up doing in the rooms!

Does this over and over idea only apply to openly negative stuff like a hammer smash, or drinking, smoking, and swallowing poison? Staying in a one gallon bowl is just as sick!

What about if one continues only in the rooms and years go by. Truthfully, most max out their growth early on just like the goldfish in a one gallon bowl. Yet they are unconsciously still listening to the same information, not really feeling it, but they stay just in the rooms because they’re scared and now one is giving them permission to grow beyond!

Most fear what growing beyond the rooms and experiencing an even more fulfilling life might make them responsible for more. Most are lazy and don’t embrace the stretching that may be required to keep the passion alive. By the way, Bravo to those of you who read this and have already chosen to grow beyond the rooms!

Remember hearing, Grow or Go! Ask yourself, have I just found a new hamster wheel?

Please don’t misunderstand the premise, principal and purpose of Beyond the Rooms. We are not saying you should not continue to visit A’s, socialize and play… just give yourself a much BIGGER LIFE now than you ever have and grow beyond the rooms!

If the feeling that where you have been going is just to limiting for a human being, you owe it to yourself to grow on… Swim with the rest of the fish and never ever, ever again stunt your growth!

Yes, we are saying, as was said some 50 years ago by the roofer, just doing any A’s is too limiting for human beings. When people begin to allow themselves to grow beyond the rooms they will benefit greatly! Even Bill W. said AA is a spiritual kindergarten, HELLO?

Yes more than ever before! Yes the magic needs to be done different again. We deserve more. Get quiet and reflect, it will shock you in many cases… to really know!

Become a part of the Whole Earthship instead of just a one gallon Fellowship!

Don’t be just another goldfish in the rooms,

We all deserve to grow beyond…

For inquires or additions email   WR™


Embrace the illusion with all its inconsistent significances… wrc

Hello, so you know upfront, you can refer to me as whatever you like,

If you feel a desire to know who I am, feel free to comment below or send an email to If I am led and it’s deemed necessary, I will gladly disclose myself and may even desire to meet you if we are close geographically. If you just need to talk that is cool too, let me know I am open, emails reach me instantly! If I happen to only reply anonymously please do not take it personal, this is not about me, I am just an able messenger, it is about all of US.

Just in case you were wondering, no I didn’t just fall of a buffalo and nor do I come from a having been to thirty treatments centers and then one day I awoke and said “I have this thing figured this out!”

Those who figure it all out are gone, and those who remain seeking, get the gift! wrc

My story is like many others who have showed up and choose to really go beyond the status quo when it comes to soul searching. Yes, like many, it did begin as the result of my dumb behavior during my adolescence years when the court system mandated that I get in the rooms. This was in the early 80’s. Today this practice is prohibited and has since been proven unconstitutional. You can even sue someone in authority who mandates you to attend! Go figure, I always had a feeling it was religion in disguise?

I am not the least bit disenchanted towards that judge, instead I am very thankful. (I even wrote him a thank you letter years later!) I know being in the rooms during my early years has definitely enhanced many of my adventures. It also allowed me to meet countless great people all over the planet, whom I call friends some 25 years later. I believe the universe guided me to the rooms to distract me from my old way of life long enough so that I could clearly see, there really is way more to this thing called life!

I willingly stayed in the rooms because above all, it was a lot of fun in the beginning, many  conventions, traveling all over the USA and learning what it means to care and assist another human beings without conditions or expectations! I still attend rooms, more regularly than most who came to the rooms back then, because the entertainment is priceless. However, I am most thankful that I  jumped out of the goldfish bowl in my first few months. I was very fortunate then as I am now!

My first best sponsor, was 84 years old and had been in the rooms over 35 years when I met him, presented me a with special gift. He said all of this in the rooms was merely stepping stones, (get it steps) to what was available to us in the real world, now that I had showed up! He was very wise and I will be forever thankful to him for inviting me beyond to other organizations outside of the rooms very early on. He encouraged me to take flight if I wanted all the gifts, to explore and enjoy the adventure of everything! Just don’t get loaded! I was free! Never again shall I be limited in anything he said, unless I choose to be!

Early on, my insides had calmed down enough to understand everything I needed to do to not get loaded. I heard the formula in those first 90 days. In fact I heard it all in the first week but I needed to hear it from many people over and over because I didn’t know how to trust anyone! So I heard the same basic message over and over and over! I guess that’s why they preach 90 meetings in 90 days. By 90 days, the evidence is clear and you can finally trust it, because you’ve heard it from enough strangers and they can’t all be lying… right!

That was many moons & many fantastic experiences ago. That early peek beyond allowed me to desire to be a part of something much more expansive than just the rooms. He also shared with me, life is a Fantastic adventure or a Marvelous learning experience… WOW!

He reminded me it is a text book with steps and like going to college for medicine, you do not remain on campus the rest of your life. Sure you are an alumni for life, but even the greatest professor would say; take all that you have learned, carry it with you everywhere, but please grow, allow yourself to grow beyond the rooms! Yes come back & visit anytime.

The rooms will always give me love and allow me to share with other students evidence of many gifts I have acquired both in the rooms & beyond, both internally and externally. The best starter set of life gifts and tools I obtained naturally as the result of studying in the rooms.

Go and come freely he said, know that the most fortunate who begin in the rooms, grow far beyond the rooms!

Sadly the vast majority never return to share about the extraordinary new gifts they have received from venturing out beyond the rooms. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the greatest gifts ever for us are those found beyond the rooms… and they are our birthright!

May you become one of the most fortunate ones who embrace life Beyond the Rooms!

Never away, always beyond

The Intention

When the author started preparing, learning and gathering information to bring forth over 25 years ago, he had no knowledge or design in the beginning when the universe began molding his journey. The newer greater vision of hope was received recently that it was time to start providing an eclectic collection of information, a memoir if you will of his and other like spirited travelers, about great resources for people to start, to further enhance, to go beyond and improve their relations and time on earth.

The authors desire is to provide the widest array of information and wisdom on subjects that are meaningful in the overall scheme of balance, alignment and human harmony. This will include the fundamentals of health, finances, relationships, spirituality and personal success. He has personally studied many experts and is determined to bring the best information and experience available to the widest range of people. If you yourself have additional experiences and would care to share, kindly do so below @ “leave a comment

The authors conclusion is simple. There is no “one path” to success, and success is a personal conclusion based on personally defined values. What fulfills one person may not particularly accomplish or provide the same results for the next.

With this evidence in mind, he has embarked upon this ever expanding, with the intent to empower, mission! This path is intended to assist others to discover their own ideal formula that in turn allows them to design their own maximum potential methods.

The other important and a powerful promise of his sharing and design is that all who explore and especially those who are inspired to … will receive the greater gifts that await all true life seekers who allow themselves to freely travel beyond!

Dreams of a life occur while sleeping, Visions for our life, we create while awake! wrc


P.S. they following could not be better said…

As little children, we regarded our parents as gods. They were bigger than we were, they gave us valuable advice that helped us navigate our world, and they purveyed rewards that made us happy, and meted out punishments that hurt us. Our tiny minds did not have the ability to discern illusions from truth, so we accepted all of what our parents told us, even if some of it was untrue.

Our psyche is like an iceberg, a tiny portion of which is apparent, and most of which lies below the surface of our awareness. The belief systems we adopted as children can control our entire lives unless we call them to total consciousness. (Awesome truth!)

If you have the courage to question what you have always accepted, you may discover that you have been living out many false beliefs. From your heart and your own experience, what do you really know to be true? Even after time in the rooms?

Meditate on this question, dare to live the answers you discover, and you will find unprecedented healing, freedom and peace,   … beyond the rooms!

Other Ways

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