It has been acknowledged that it is never to soon or to late to participate in the creation of our own individual legacy! tf

leg·a·cy noun \ˈle-gə-sē\  : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past

Unbridled Songs:

Designers of Legacies

Part of the inherent design of the Unbridled Songs organization is to encourage all of US to partake at some level, the facilitation of a consciously created legacy. This can be accomplished in many ways. The beautiful part is there is no incorrect way… except to not have one would be the a huge disservice to self and others.

To begin simply ask yourself; 1000 years from now, will anyone know or benefit from my short visit here on earth in the physical realm. If this seems to overwhelming you may start with just 100 years from now, the latter will reveal itself with the mere intention coupled with a spirit of willingness.

A simple written note to yourself, frequently reviewed, is sufficient to begin the process!

You will be glad you started and will be honored within your soul when you are facilitating the amazing legacy called You!