Our path is Reality, Our promise is Peace!
When our souls become entangled and it blocks or restricts our full potential and flow; with US you can be on the path to living as an Unbounded Soul…
The Harmonious Human Quotient™
Whatever I choose to like today, I can grow to love tomorrow! tf
Welcome, I am one of US, are you? We are purveyors of Unbridled Songs! Our mantra; Real perpetual peace is an inside job… How we obtain this is with the addition of new notes. We together can untie the soul and you can forever live the new song of your life!
This is also the home of spa circles, essentially the power of a soul spa. SpaCircles are where fantastic people begin traveling on the path to Perpetual Peace. A spa circle or soul circle is where emotional Freedom & empowered Adventure abounds for those who choose to adopt clear & simple truths!
Your Life is your song and we of US share internal notes that will allow a new song or songs to be born within US regularly. We facilitate and share our proprietary invisible touch & interactive methods technology.
Have you ever thought that having more of this or that was the answer? Or… if everyone would just do it our way, or leave us alone, we would be fine. Only to discover that even after having more money, the perfect career, the top gym membership, eating at great restaurants, the best family, the newest car, the fresh mani-pedi, or the best address with everyone behaving, it still doesn’t guarantee life without Chaos, Drama, Conflict, or Confusion™. (CDCC) Then thinking, after all that I’ve done for myself and everyone else… why am I still restless, irritable and disenchanted with people, places & objects… sometimes or more often than not?
What if what really causes CDCC is a simple misunderstanding of what healthy Harmonious & Prosperous™ relationshipz really are? What if all the “mores” that were ever created will never be the answer? Then, what if one learns CDCC is actually caused by nothing more than a restless or bound up soul. Have you ever touched your soul?
Would you or someone you know benefit from spa circle treatments that provides a new type of freedom & adventure! After all, haven’t you, or many you know, tried all the outside stuff already?
Offered within spa circles is a plethora of gifts that, when received & embraced, allows anyone to possess practical empowerment coupled with perpetual internal peace!
We of US are continually discovering new practical knowledge & wisdom that insures life beyond our wildest visions!
With US, the race doesn’t exist anymore. We freely choose real peace and we win, win, win in every way, regardless!
We are excited to know you and learn about the successes & accomplishments along your journey to Perpetual Peace.
We encourage you to invite a friend or two, to do spa circles and ascend with US! We of US share practical Human tools for Human empowerment!
WE above all intend that from now on you will embrace “In This Moment” thinking. May all things for you begin to naturally flow as you are relaxing & enjoying the journey on your way to peaceful, easy living!
We are the Peace in U… Place! SpaCircles cleanse, massage, condition & empower our souls from the inside out!
Remember once you can really be who U are, do what U are inspired to do, real peace is the natural result! Peace begins to happen effortlessly within US every day, in every way! The gift is yours for the taking. Choose to begin spa circles with US now!
the founder
p.s. We invite any & all inquiries – most important they are greatly appreciated!
NOTE: First and foremost, know you are welcome at anytime to call the author directly at 954.773.4089 to learn his “Clear Road Story” or have a personal, confidential and FREE conversation pertaining to your individual place in life or a simple question about addiction.