Greetings fellow travelers,

…and thank you for visiting to explore the Vision of Unbridled Songs. May your soul be grounded and touched in a spa circle soon!

The conclusion is that the majority of uncomfortable or inappropriate thoughts & actions are the result of people never really grounding their soul. This lack of solid ongoing grounding never fully allows the power to empower & direct their individual human experiences in the state of perpetual peace…tf

Have you ever noticed that someone who decides they want to start playing a musical instrument, decides, chooses their primary instrument and proceeds to learn the notes on that given instrument. However something magical occurs in the process. After reading & embracing music notes, then applying a few different physical attributes and skills to, another instrument becomes very easy and almost natural to play. It is often said, they are very grounded in their music!

The next thing you know, because the individual can read music and has chosen to embrace all the musical notes, they are able to play any instrument they choose to from then on, with relative ease. They don’t need a new set of notes when they switch from piano to guitar to violin or drums. Only the physical part is different! This of course is why in a band it is very harmonious. Everyone is reading and playing the same notes at the same time! What a concept…

What if our relations with people, places & objects worked this way! Surprise, they do and can for US! Although history shows us, many famous band members who never are able make the transition from their extraordinary grasp of musical notes to obtain the same passion and grasp of human soul notes. Is isn’t any wonder why bands regularly break up. They always separate on a human level, rarely if ever is the disenchantment musically!

Life is actually very similar in principal, however very few of the people in the band called “our life”, have chose to learn an instrument or even thought to read and learn the notes. The very notes that will allow them to be in harmony with the band! “Can’t we all just get along…” sound familiar? Forget a favorite or single instrument, just understand and apply the notes. Ahhhh… harmony abounds! To give peace we must haven peace first…

Here is an idea; everyone wants to be in or have their own band so to speak. Maybe its a orchestra! Either way, ask yourself, have you in fact learned to read music, embraced the notes and do we ourselves exude a song of life that is music to even our own ears! Or are we just another child running wild in the music store, screaming out of tune, beating on drums one day, banging on the ivory’s of the piano the next, or strumming one familiar chord on a guitar because that’s all we know!

Are we the leader of a band, career or family and do we only know one song…ours! Like it or leave it? Hmmm… or are we in a band, career, family etc… and we’re bored with the same old songs that only someone else wrote because we never knew we could write our own or a new song? Does the idea in this song sound at all familiar to you?

Worse yet is that many well intended humans are in this same position and are frustrated  because that haven’t been signed to a multimillion dollar record deal! Have you ever known anyone like this? I am this or that, so there for I should have…

Is it any wonder when you walk into and event, a wedding party, a business meeting, or any social event, for that matter, the majority of what you hear on a soul level is just unrefined and out of tune noise!

Have you ever wondered why when people refer to highly skilled musicians they frequently exclaim, they’ve got so much Soul or their song reaches in and touches your soul! This is the preliminary understanding and principle of our path to Perpetual Peace.

The path of US; the enlightenment provided in spa circles teaches how one can personally manifest this new source of empowerment for Perpetual Peace! A formula for the ages! Wake up, Dress up, Show up, Pick up the instrument, Read the notes, Embrace the notes, Write your new song!

This will be the song that each one of US desires and others will be touched by it, in their soul! Further, at the very minimum, you can be in harmony with your own life band!

In life we are either lifters or a leaners. US strives to facilitate Spa Circles to encourage leaners to evolve and especially further empower the current lifters! Are you lifting up others with your song or leaning on them for comfort, support or validation…

There are many books, organizations, fellowships, clubs etc… that exist and for the most part are highly exclusive and lean towards a particular behavior exhibited in the past,  recovery from, how we need to act so when we die we can go here not there…or how to belong to a exclusive something that promotes or supports another something as their cause for existence.

They chiefly address a singleness of purpose, doctrine or cause. This literally excludes more people than they actually include. They all serve a great purpose and again we of US will always honor and are thankful for all of them that have blazed a path. We address any and invite all of US who desire to change their life’s song and direction no matter the  degree or to find peace on any front or depth!

We, as is our human nature, are inherently born as tribal beings. Our nature is to belong! First to our mother and then our father and then a family, then a school, then a career and then a city, then a state, then a country and so on and so on… This is US, unconsciously for the most part, being led by an non-chosen or dictated force rather than just naturally being!

The purpose of US and spa circles is to promote a design for peace so inclusive it allows US to invite anyone who desires to change their life song and/or to find peace on any front or depth for their journey! We of US desire not to give one type of knowledge so that someone may experience peace for a day. We instead share our notes as the manifesto to empower and guide all of US to discover unending knowledge & wisdom. This universal design allows peace to become a mainstay in our mind, body & soul diet. This will additionally create significant chromosome alteration in our DNA for future generations!

Our mission; Repair, Renew, Restore or Replace damaged thinking & feeling chromosomes that in turn can allow Perpetual Peace to direct the show!

Because times have changed, and because external pleasure stimulants have increased 1000 fold, we as a society are confronted with many new challenges!  Some of these previously mentioned other methodologies are outdated, less attractive, too limiting and less effective for many! This is a collective observation compiling easily 1000′s of years of human challenges during nearly 30 years of being on the path to and  locating Perpetual Peace.

Until now, there has never been an instrument or spa available to US that allows all the inherent greatness found in many of the aforementioned entities to be harmoniously incorporated! The instrument and spas are created by selecting the most powerful elements and proven ideals from any of the aforementioned entities and more… This compilation of knowledge & wisdom allows We of US to provide any human seeking, an inclusive path to perpetual peace while additionally striving to better serve humankind at many levels.

One may consider the instrument, “A Vision for US” to be liken to a violin or piano in that even if you know such a instrument exists and you own the most rare or expensive one known on earth, but you never pick it up, nor embrace and practice it daily, it is impossible and you will never enjoy, benefit or know the meaning or feeling of a single note!

One will surely never be able to create a new song for their life and for all those around US to hear, love and cherish. With this same principal in our mind, the idea of tasting Perpetual Peace will be as foreign to any of US, similarly as would be the taste of a cheeseburger served on Mars… Don’t worry, even if you’re vegetarian it applies!

The nature of US and spa circles is the soul felt need that exists on our planet to come together in peace simply as human beings! We of US desire to join in the spirit of equality to allow the filling of our souls to whatever degree is desired and deemed necessary by US individually. We are convinced, by the evidence, this does occur as the result of the process of uncovering and discovering new healthy soul spas assisted & inspired conclusions.

For some of US traveling on our path, this will mean a complete transfusion and for others it may require merely the inclusion of few new ideas, directions and practices. Only the individual themselves will be able to decide and commit to the level of fulfillment their souls may be lacking and/or require to arrive at Perpetual Peace.

Fortunately, we all were born with a source energy barometer that does monitor and let us know in our soul, it notifies US when were are “In this Moment“.

Additionally it informs US exactly when we have received the ultimate gift available as the result of traveling on the path with USs. It is the, you know when you know that you know, moment!

It is then of course up to US’s individually to maintain this precious gift that only each of US has the power to keep alive within ourselves. This gift is OURS at once we embrace & internalize it! It will last through out our remaining journey here on earth. Your Source power provides the way, we individually must choose to receive and continue to fertilize, prune and nurture the gift or it will whither and as in past, eventually disappear!

The evidence is that in many cases this attained gift is very difficult to revive once neglected or allowed to dissipate and for some it could be impossible to even receive if there remains an unwillingness to allow honesty to appear about themselves within!

Most of US have traveled a long eclectic and colorful road to finally arrive here. Our individual life experiences may even be great story lines for wonderful Love stories, Action Adventures, Mysteries, Horror stories, Crimes,  Drama’s etc…! Not for not, they are our stories, this is not Hollywood, there are no edits on our films already produced & shown to the world.

We acknowledge the previous road for many of US may not been paved in diamonds and rose petals although there are those of US who will arrive with their shiny BMW’s or Bentleys still intact. No matter how large or how small, we of US have all paid a price in various aspects of of lives. On the inside, in our souls, we all are equal! We earned our place on the path and our seat in any soul spa circle!

There are those of US who will be more fortunate to begin their time with US when they are with limited years and minimal negative consequences. Many of US will bring scars, badges and medals of honor or dishonor to the circles.We are not concerned with where you have been, but more in where you want to go and how we can help!

Fear will never visit where Love resides and peace cannot enter where fear reigns supreme! tf

The collective evidence is that a fall from 1000 feet can kill a human just as dead as a fall from 10,000 feet. People have even fell out of their bed and it killed them. So if you have arrived here after recognizing the need or desire to alter your thoughts and actions without even the knowledge of what a soul hole is, and you have only tripped and stubbed your toe, Relax take a deep breath, commend yourself, smile and allow peace to be ignited all around you! You are now a “Friend of US”… and there is magic found in our spa circles!

It is much easier to gather raindrops than it is to catch a fallen star! wrc

Imagine all the time you invest reading, writing, practicing, attending and incorporating theses ideals into your daily life, you discover it much like participating at a new health spa or more aptly, a soul spa. A soul spa; where the most powerful results and benefits are internal not external.

Yes absolutely, we of US can naturally, as the result of our actions within US, improve the outsides beyond recognition. Our purpose and promise is that our way of living will allow the magic to occur primarily and mostly on the inside!

You’ve made it this far, Please honor yourself and discover the power of the notes, how to obtain them and how their application will give you a choice for a new song coupled with Perpetual Peace!

In this moment,

the founder